Friday, July 31, 2009


This is a late blooming of this epiphytic orchid that I have had for a long time. I was surprised to see this plant blooms now because it usually have flowers earlier, in late June. This is probably the hot climate growing type that thrives easily in Miami, and it may be the crispa species, but please don't quote me on that.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Directing Traffic

It's a big deal in Miami. At the drop of a hat, several highway patrol police cars show up to control traffic, just to make sure your tax $ are well spent. There is a big job at this gas station today where huge large container sized holes are dug to make room for the new gas reservoirs. The traffic is too dense so you can't easily see the huge containers to be buried for delivery to the gas pumps. One can be seen behind the police car with the red flashing light on the right side.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We are at the end of July and the longans are still on the trees. I gave up picking them and give them away because that is a BIG job. Here is a look at only a small section of one of the three trees. Even the birds are absent this year. Where are you, birds? Come and get it!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Listen, an anonymous admirer of my photos in this blog asked me how come the majority of my photos are so "crappy." Well, I came up with a better answer today: they are so crappy because I take them "in a war zone," which is many times while driving in the streets of Miami, like this one. I have no time to be picky. I'm in this not to win a Nobel prize in photography. This, I would say, the mother of crappy photos of them all, tells you about the action, or inaction of this car getting stuck dead in the middle of the intersection of a heavily trafficked area. What do you do? What do you do? Call the cops, call the SWAT team. Help!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shameless Plug

Here is what I think is a shameless plug for a self promoted product: PHEV, standing for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, the Prius. The claim is to get 100+ US miles to the US gallon of gas. Yeah Right! I rode this car once from the airport to my house and watched the computer monitor: the car spent most of the time switching from gas to electrical endlessly, but stayed mostly in gas. Plus, this is an UGLY car, don't you think? I erased the telephone number on the bumper of this car...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Ducks

I hear the ducks that hang out on this street in South Miami are very active producing ducklings. Here is a brand new litter, enjoying a family outing in the rain. I must say I never see the fathers around, only moms and the kids.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thunderstorm Gathering

Stormy weather typically looks like this in Miami. It's threatening and swimming pools close up to avoid the danger of lightning. The last flowers of the season are seen on the royal poinciana tree on the left.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Gutter

This is a shot at my electronic score board at Bird Bowl bowling alley in Miami. Everything is automated so bowlers have no need to use pencils and a piece of paper to keep score. Don't let the high numbers fool you. They are for two games. It's mostly gutter balls today because it looks much easier than it really is.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is the top parking lot at the shopping complex near Dadeland. This used to be packed with new unsold cars. They have all moved out (not necessarily all sold)and there is not one soul up here today. Only mine.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


From a look at this large moving van, we may venture a guess that we have a newcomer to the hot Miami metropolitain to stay. If that is so, welcome! You'll miss your crab because we don't have any down here!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Medical Equipment

This is how bulky, heavy and expensive medical equipment are transported, moved or delivered: by use of huge delivery trucks. It's also very expensive. Imagine doing this during a Miami thunder storm. In fact, we did have a big one earlier, with power black out for some areas.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lonely Arcade

This video arcade is empty, and this is Sunday! I guess with all the new video gadgets for home, the kids now can play all day at home with their PS3, Xbox and Wii. Time to junk all these obsolete video machines and move on to newer inventions.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Metro Rail

This is a full view of the Miami's metro rail train pulling into the station in South Miami. The next station is the terminus, and it will have to head back North again because there is no more stations further South.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Gas Price

Usually, Summer brings high price for gas. Today's prices at this gas station are between US $2.49.9 and $2.89.9 (It's more like $2.50 and $2.90) per gallon and going up. The higher cost is for higher octane content. Unfortunately, that's what I need to get for my car. We just learn today that Dade County has a budget shortfall of $427 Million. We are going to have a hot and miserable summer time.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ring Ring Ring

I wonder how often this public telephone is used. Not too often is my guess. With Billions of cell phones appearing everywhere, this dinosaur must be on the verge of extinction. However, advertising revenue may save the day and justify its presence at this location.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Populist Venture

A brand new bowling alley/restaurant/grill has opened inside South Miami's Sunset Place. Even on a weekday, customers came to eat and enjoy a few bowling frames here just because it's new. It's kind of an upscale populist sport.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Running Men

It's not easy to exercise in this hot weather but these young men are keeping trim and fit by exercising after working hours today. They are taking a breather here on Red Road, in front of the executive building of the Goliath health care in South Florida, Baptist Health.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Optometrist at work, in semi darkness...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hard Labor

Didn't I tell you that this year, my longan trees are loaded? Here is one proof. I was ordered to go into the role of migrant worker to harvest the longans that are now ready to be consumed. Thankfully, these come from overloaded branches that graze the ground so I didn't have to risk my limbs climbing up any branches or ladder. But getting them under the Florida hot sun is no picnic, I can attest to that. This is but a very tiny fraction off my trees this season, and there are lots more where these come from! Now I have to drive around and deliver them to friends, free of charge, of course. Should I cut down all these trees? This is too much work! This is just like owning a swimming pool or a boat. You pay for the maintenance, the gas and your friends and neighbors enjoy the benefits.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Is this a strike? No one knows for sure. This action is at Miami's Bird Bowl, on Bird Road and about 97th Avenue, SW Miami. This is a slow day as many of the bowling lanes are unoccupied. Today's cost for one game, one person is US $5, which can add up quickly if you have a wife and several kids. I guess throwing these heavy balls is good exercise, better than just typing on a computer keyboard. I had some good exercise today here, and too embarrassed to show you shots of my scores. Somehow, the balls I launched were more attracted to the gutters than to the pins.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Reflecting Fountain

Being students at the University of Miami is a great deal (except you have to be able to afford it.) Being at the beautiful campus in Key Biscayne is just like being on a vacation beach. The main campus in Coral Gables is simply beautiful. This is a quiet corner at the school of architecture. Students can relax at shaded tables to recover from time spent in class. The medical campus is less ornate but it is a vibrant small city in a big city. There, you are surrounded by talented medical professionals of all sorts. This is the best place to have something horrible that may happen to you like having a heart attack. You are at the right place. Don't worry! Be happy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Miami skyline from I-95 South bound.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jack Fruit

If you knew where to look, you can find quite a large number of jack fruit trees in Miami. Here is another one. I got a few large fruits off this tree and it still has many more remaining. If left on the tree, the fruits will ripe in the August - September time frame. They may taste better then, but I can't wait that long.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sizzling Shelby Cobra

This is US-1 going North. The elevated concrete structure on the left is the Miami mono rail transportation system. If you read the white warning sign, you can see that the fine levied if you ever block traffic by foolishly getting stuck in the middle of the intersection while the light turns red, is oddly US $133.50. I have never undestood why the fine amount is so odd. The yellow Mustang is the famed Shelby Cobra, a very hot car for the young at heart. This car may belong to a person associated with Auburn University from the reading its license plate. It comes from the state of Alabama, a long drive to Miami. Without air conditioning, the driver must be sizzling inside this car because it is HOT today.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Sunset Drive, Miami, 6 PM. This is summer in Miami and the day is long. It is not an usual scene but you can see a woman cyclist riding a Vespa. With all the crazy drivers here in the streets, it's not very safe.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Natural Art

This is a real slow day as if summer time is creeping on us in Miami and slows things down with its already intense heat with humidity to boast. So here is a quiz to keep your brain cells active. What is this piece of art that I found in natural Miami landscape? I will not give you the answer, but may be some of you may care to venture a guess and share with the readers. The painter is Mother Nature.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

On a day like today, a big US national holiday which is the 4th of July, everybody is celebrating: flying a US flag, go to a movie, go shopping, BBQ at the beach, fireworks at night. This is taken outside a Wachovia bank which is closed to celebrate the holiday. Happy 4th, everyone.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Miami Zen

It is very easy to find peace if your heart truly desires to do so. An icon, any icon and not necessarily this one, a small quiet corner somewhere and you are divorced from all worldly worries. Zen indeed! If it weren't for these d..n mosquitoes. The small plants you may be able to see to the right of the statue are true "Bo" trees. They will not be allowed to grow unchecked though. Read about "Ficus religiosa" here.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Miami Insects

I have noticed that lots of rain usually make longan fruits split. That phenomenon provides an opportunity of a free meal to many insects that live almost invisibly in Miami (South Florida in general.) If you look closely, you can see many insects feeding on this single longan fruit. The pulp should be transparent (the name of this fruit is "Longan" literally meaning "Dragon Eye" so the flesh is transparent.) The fruit once peeled from its protective skin really looks like an eye ball. Not sure about the "Dragon" part. Here, the insects have transformed it into a cotton like mass. Chemistry has interesting ways to make matters change form. These insects look like 1/3 ant, 1/3 fly and 1/3 termite. Very interesting little creatures and I have never seen them around before. I now know they like longans.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's Empty!

It's empty, and I am shameless! In order to show you something that is empty right here in Miami, it didn't take me long at all to figure out the perfect sin! It was a great pleasure to empty this small cup of delicious vanilla ice cream from my freezer. Yummy! Now I have to figure out how many miles I need to walk this excess off! Hmmm, how many calories were in it? Forget it! Who cares?