Monday, March 26, 2007


I could not resist to complete the picture from yesterday's blog by showing a follow up. This is a bit more ambitious than I can produce using my poor consumer Canon G5 and I had to resort to a bit of touch up. The only thing I did was to adjust the contrast of the photo and nothing else to better highlight the web. My goal is to have all my photos un-retouched.

I was curious to see how the lady Orb-Weaver in my backyard build her home. This photo sheds a bit of light. The main anchor point lies in the middle of the grass below. Very precarious! I am sure the yard people will go right through this when they come. The bright spots must be the glue spinned to join the smaller segments of silk. The orb-web structure above does not show too well with the sun directly overhead above it; and she cannot be seen but is right in the middle of her home. She does not seem to move at all since yesterday.

It is very windy in Miami today, and this web moves a good 8 inch up and down and sideway. It's amazing how strong this silk stuff is, many more times stronger than steel.

Spiny Orb-Weaver's home

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