Friday, June 8, 2007

Nameless Blooms

After a long drought, the rain came. Miami's vegetation is catching up and grows like there is no tomorrow. The grass is growing fast and mosquitoes abound. Here is an orchid hung outdoor and left to fend for itself. These two long stalks of blooms are in their third month. This orchid must love the drought because it is having an outstanding blooming year. I lost the name tag and don't even know what is its genus.

No name orchid


  1. It's Grammmatophyllum speciosum or Grammmatophyllum elegans. Google it and if you take enough time I am sure you will get the correct one.

  2. It's Grammatophyllum elegans. I knew you would come to the rescue. Got this from Banjong Orchids and since I get all my orchids free of charge (don't ask me why,) I become spoiled and do not pay much attention to the name tags. I have half a dozen more that can be called "no names." They are all beautiful and bloom for months. Some ascocendas are fragrant. They are quite hard to find.

  3. We have an orchid plant that was also left outside to fend for itself, but alas, it has yet to bloom. I sympathize with you on the mosquitos. I can't go outside for five minutes without being bitten.
