Sunday, July 1, 2007

Red Things

The theme of the month is "Red." Some say it's easy. Not really! I am surrounded by an ocean of red poinciana trees, but I need to refrain from showing you any more of those...I thought about spilling a few drops of blood. But that sounds too drastic... Red ants? Too small and they move too fast... I don't want to wait until the sun sets to have some red horizon... So here it is, my DVD rental return envelope... If you could read the bar code, you could tell what movie is inside it... I should get a free rental for this unsolicited worldwide advertisement! Wishful thinking!

Pure Red


  1. a novel take on the theme - I never rent DVDs so wouldn't know what it was without you saying.

  2. Ah, yes...they come to my house too! I should get a free rental...or a month of free rentals. this was pretty good advertising.

  3. Hey, that's a good idea.You need to rent if you live away from shops. Nice photo.

  4. The ubiquitous Netflix envelope! Clever representaiton of the theme. I agree you should get a free month, not just one film.

  5. I like this shot. It is something we see a lot of these days but I would never have thought to use it.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Me as Moses—

  6. I don't know that envelope from Netflix is red, otherwise this is interested post for theme of July.

  7. I imagine it would have been a lot easier if the theme had been blue or green!

    Creative shot for the color red, nonetheless.
