Friday, July 20, 2007

Space Key

Today's blog is my trusted laptop keyboard. Actually, it's about my SPACE BAR. It's dead! You can never appreciate trivial things in your lives until something disappears from your life! Try to type a document on a keyboard without a space bar! It's insane! How does one make a blog then? With great pain, that's how! And that's exactly what I'm doing right now. I need to fix this keyboard immediately or I'll go insane, typing text like this using a virtual keyboard on the screen to insert a blank space for each word! Enough typing already. That's all, folks!

Virtual Keyboard


  1. Today I visited your blog from daily photos posted on the CDPB Portal. Your photo of a black keyboard caught my attention, because just the other day I took a picture of my black keyboard. At first sight of your picture, I thought it was mine! Anyway, it got me here to your blog, and I've spent all morning browsing your great photos. I've never heard of Jack Fruit before, and found it to be interesting. I also took the time to read the document on "People" for sale, how horrible for those being sold as property. I'm glad those days are behind us. Thanks for the tour of Miami.

  2. Sorry,afterthoughthere,I can'timaginehowfrustratingitisto haveabrokenspacebar.It'sprobably themostusedbuttononakeyboard.Ifeelyourpain. :)
