Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tiny Gems

One advantage of living in Miami is that you can grow a large variety of tropical flowering plants and fruit trees. Pygmy waterlilies are similar to their traditional and larger counterparts, but almost exclusively grown in tubs or on the margins of shelves in the garden pond. They are truly tiny waterlilies, and their blossoms are no more than 2-4 inches in diameter.

I am very happy to see that my dwarf water lily is blooming. Meet my Nymphaea Pygmaea ‘Alba.' The flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon to open again the next day. They really do! These flowers are about 2.5 inches in diameter, tiny little gems.

Dwarf Lilies


  1. They must be a cheerful sight in the morning. A lovely photo!

  2. They almost look as if they are smiling!

  3. Those flowers are beautiful in your photograph. No hidder alligators?

    The other nice thing about living in Florida (my son tells me) is that you can plant stuff in the morning and when you come home from work in the evening it is already matured into a normal size plant, shrub, bush and/or tree. Is that right?

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. Your son forget to tell you that fruits are ready to be picked too...;>) We have mango, lychee, longan, jack fruit, tamarin, sugar apple, guava, goose berry, sapodilla, papaya, sugar cane, and many many more...
