Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yeah rite! In Miami, there is a modern shopping mall called "The Sunset Place" that is very popular with teen agers. Today, I finally remember to bring my camera. To my surprise, after taking this shot, I was yelled at by a friendly security guard, saying that photos are not allowed! Say what? This is quite ridiculous because with zillion of cell phone cameras, I have no idea how they can enforce this laughable rule. In any case, here is one of the many shots I have... If they can easily notice my camera, I have button size surveillance cameras I can bring just for the fun of it... This mall is not doing too well because it's open air! Do you know how hot it is in the sun here? Many stores come and go. Even a huge Imax closed shop recently. The equally huge Victoria's Secret also closed its doors. The AMC 24 theater seems to do OK and the teens come to watch movies with their dates. No photos? Phooey!

No Photos Allowed


  1. Many malls have that rule apparently. I wonder why they don't want people taking photos?

    And you're right. How can they realistically expect to control this? Ridiculous!

  2. I think the security man would be getting a piece of my mind!

    Today I have the Red Arrows.

    South Shields Daily Photo

  3. Thats so funny! I got yelled at at Sunset too for taking pictures for a photography class of the fountains! The guard told me I was allowed to take pictures of "friends" just not the building itself.

    I thought it was crazy too. Unfortunately a friend of mine told me it mostly has to do with our post 9/11 world. Many public places are afraid of terrorists coming in and shooting the property to plan attacks.
