Thursday, August 16, 2007

Colors a'plenty

A very colorful place, this Jo Ann Fabrics store in South Miami is. I saw all the colors of the rainbow, and more here today. This is stuff clothes are made of.

Jo Ann Fabrics


  1. I was drawn to your blog just by the colors. Those places are so much fun. They awake the kid in you. I just went to a button store on 6th avenue (fashion disctrict, NYC) and I left dreaming about replacing all the buttons of my shirts and cardigans.

  2. OOoh, I could spend a while in there! Not many fabric stores around here anymore.

  3. I make quilts out of such fabrics! I love fabric stores.

  4. Hi I want to know if they have a pink cotton fabric with dots of two colors fuchsia and burgundy
