Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Own Breakfast

I took the pain to stop by the Marriott hotel near my office and took photos of their breakfast service this morning, but that was quite boring. Instead of that, here is something more "personal:" My own private breakfast for today, just for you. I do not eat breakfast every day, but made an exception today. It's on the left side of the photo. A hot chocolate. It's instant hot cocoa mix so I do not need maid service to prepare it for me. A few miniature croissants... Don't let their size fool you, they are lethal with all the calories they contain... and one banana, which is too ripe for my taste! The cup is my favorite "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" cup! If you inspect my laptop, you may discover my "real" favorite book, not the souped up "Proust" kind that I cite in my profile... ha ha ha... To the right, you see my most favorite binary clock and my Nokia E62 cell phone. I love this phone! The photo you see on the monitor to the right is from Webshots running as a screen saver. It has some awesome breakfast photos, but I couldn't wait so you see a lunch photo instead... That was fun!

Spilling My Beans


  1. How nice to see where you work and look at the DP blogs! Nice to see your breakfast too.

  2. A techie's breakfast. Nice to see your private spot, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wait, you call those mini croissants? They look regular size to me, at least compared to what we get in Switzerland. Have croissants grown in size in the US since I was there two years ago?! ;-)

  5. Yep, they sure are called "miniature" on the container. The regular size croissants we get here are the size of a GIANT crab! Each croissant is as big as a professional basket ball player's hand! US is still riding the wave of "super sizing..."
