Monday, September 17, 2007

Come 'n Get It

Here is a look at the Keitt mango tree today. It still has many mangoes and they are ripening, but not quite yet. These Keitt are ready to eat in a couple more weeks. But the neighborhood population does not care to wait and they are helping themselves. I have yet to catch an uninvited guest in the act. They could be the squirrels or birds that abound in the yard. It can't be easy eating these mangoes hanging on the tree like this, but there are quite a few fallen on the ground that were feasted on. Bon appetit!

Keitt for free


  1. lol :) I hope you get some of those mangoes before your "neighbours" :)

    I had a couple of dogs who would actually pick off all the mangoes hanging on the lower branches and would sit and tear off the skin and eat the flesh of the mango right down to the seed!

  2. hummm I love mangos....

  3. Hi Ann, I thought I may go to Jamaica in October for a conference, but it has been canceled courtesy hurricane Dean of 17th August. Corporate sponsorship was withdrawn so at least it will be delayed for a while. I hope all is back to normal for you.

  4. Oh ooooh... faut ĂȘtre plus rapide, Lan!!
