Friday, September 7, 2007

Miami Scoop

Is this an echo of the Big Apple (meaning New York city?) New York has its City's Dog Poop Law and that law is very succinctly summarized in this sign here in Miami. Miami is quite a clean city and we do not see this kind of sign very often. Actually, this is the first time I see it posted in a not very frequented area, paralleling the Metro Rail track.

Dog droppings are one of the leading sources of E. Coli (fecal coliforms) bacteria pollution: Each gram of dog feces contains over 20,000,000 E. Coli colonies. While an individual animal's deposit of feces will not measurably affect the environment, the compounded effect of thousands of dogs and cats in a metropolitan area would create problems due to microbe contamination of soil and water supplies.

No wonder Germany has problems when reportedly an estimated 1.4 million kilos of Hundekot are deposit daily on public property. The last time I walked around Sete, France, this was a major nuisance there too. Hope things have improved in these locations.


1 comment:

  1. It's the right thing to do, isn't it? Each of us needs to understand that we're all in this together and must practice the Golden Rule always.
