Friday, October 5, 2007

Devil's Seed

I am pretty sure if I don't tell you what this is, you probably can't guess it. This is a seed pod of my Double Purple Devil's Trumpet (Datura Inoxia or Metel, or Fastuosa.) Knowing the name, you can find photos of this flower on the net. It is called Devil for good reasons:

Devil’s trumpet is grown in all but the coldest climates as a flowering ornamental. Beautiful white, purple, and yellow varieties with large, single and double blossoms can be cultivated. Mine have double purple trumpet shapes. From ancient times continuing to the present, the taking of Datura's tissues, particularly the seeds, was used in shamanistic rituals as a path to enlightenment! Today, people frequently experiment with it for the hallucinogenic effect, but the results are so unpleasant (dark visions, disorientation, amnesia, blurred vision, dry mouth, and incontinence) that they seldom recommend the experience. Overdoses can result in death. The plant has been used to treat impotence, asthma, diarrhea, as an analgesic, to control fever, kill parasites, and as a drug for criminal purposes. At one time, I was told that this is known as the Voodoo plant. Can this be used as a love potion, I wonder?

Voodoo Plant


  1. I have never heard of this plant before...but then you have mentioned alot of plants previously I haven't heard of.

  2. When I saw the small pic on citydailyphoto, I thought it is a custard apple. We have a custard apple tree. I will post a pic of the fruit, which I think looks similar at one stage.

  3. this is a really scary drug... it's legal cause no one really uses it. the plant is actually quite common, my uncle is growing some unknowingly. when consumed you have vivid visions of people, places and things that don't really exist. it's like having a temporary case of extreme schizophrenia. some people report talking to beings that appear to exist and smoking ghost cigarettes. although that might sound cool it also causes extreme disorientation, cotton mouth, amnesia, and a variety of other negative effects. an overdose can kill you.

    (thanks erowid) ;)

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