Sunday, October 7, 2007

Organic R Us

Founded in 1980 as one small store in Austin, Texas, Whole Foods Market is now the world's leading retailer of natural and organic foods, with 189 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. Well, that's what they say on their web. Today, I was inside this brand new store in South Miami (Red Road and Madruga) that opened last week. The store is packed with people including me as an unconspicuous spy. Of course, I was politely asked to stop taking photos. What's wrong with these stores? Their paranoia is boundless. This is the salad section, and my last shot inside the store. They are supposed to be all organic. The prices are also very organic, starting at $10/lbs! For organic macaroni and cheese? They have a nice section of BBQ and I saw some yummy looking london broil. How can that be organic? At $13.99/lbs, I won't get to know.

Organic Salad


  1. A few comments:
    1) We're finally getting Whole Foods in Nashville next month. I'll take my camera in and see if they say something to me!! LOL

    2) I had my camera in a Starbucks recently and was trying to adjust the focal length (In other words, I wasn't shooting photos!), and the manager yelled across the store, "Excuse me, Madam! We don't allow people to take photos in here." Are they protecting some state secret or something????

    3) Re: Organic. . .I think some of these companies plaster an "organic" tag on their products to attract certain buyers. Maybe "free range" or "hormone-free" would be more correct.

  2. I wonder what the top secret is? Whatever were they trying to hide?
    What's so wrong about you taking photos in the store?


    I must try my luck in taking photos and see what happens when next I am in Miami :-)
