Friday, November 30, 2007

Here it comes, ready or not

Christmas season is here. Immediately after Thanksgiving, in Miami, tents start to spring up where Christmas trees begin selling. We still use a 30 year old artificial tree. Can't tell the difference when the tinsels are on it, and I don't have to worry about dumping the tree after December 25th.

Christmas Trees

1 comment:

  1. good for you - we bought a big artifical tree the first year we got married - it lasted about 15 years and we gave it away to someone else - our next did us for about another 15 years and now we don't bother at all. We have a crib which is crafted and has plaster figures which my wife painted about 30 years ago and I have just out that up this afternoon and will take it down on Jan 6th.
