Saturday, December 29, 2007


The Miami NorthWestern High School Marching Bulls getting ready for the annual Junior Orange Bowl parade in downtown Coral Gables tonight. Every year, I volunteer to stage these bands and bounce them to the correct slots in the parade route. This is very exhausting work but getting to see these bands practice and perform makes it worth it.

Marching Bulls


  1. We watched to parade on the Coral Gables TV channel. The audio was flawed and we didn't hear the bands. Thanks for helping out in the parade. In the first Junior Orange Bowl parade I helped push a float. No cars or trucks were used, just young boys and girls.

  2. Thank you for helping, Lan! As the Interim Executive Director of the Junior Orange Bowl, I'm happy to say that everyone really enjoyed the 59th Junior Orange Bowl Parade. It would not be possible with out the help of all the volunteers that generously donate their time to this Gables tradition.

    I heard of the audio issues on the televised version. Not to worry, the re-edit showing on WLRN on January 1st resolved many of those issues. Catch it at 8PM. CGTV will also show the edited version throughout January.
