Friday, May 2, 2008

Even Cavemen Can Blog

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it's the Flying Cavemen! You probably only know about this joke if you live in the United States of America. GEICO is a large insurance company here. The GEICO Cavemen are fictional characters made popular by GEICO insurance company that advertised that using their website is "so easy, a caveman could do it." Then Neandertal-like cavemen start to appear on the airwave to bitterly express their deep unhappiness about the stereotype.... There is now even a situation comedy on the TV, which I never watch so I don't know anything about it. Today, the Cavemen are flying high in the Miami skies. You can see one of them on the banner selling GEICO in this photograph.

GEICO is my car insurance company. They took good care of me when I had an automobile accident in LA end January this year. Not my fault, I must say!

Even Cavemen Can Blog

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