Monday, June 9, 2008

Cassia Fistula

Miami had many of these flowering trees called "Golden Shower Trees" that bloom beautifully in June... until hurricane Andrew came by in August, 1992. As a consequence, there are only a few of these trees left to bloom in Miami because they are not designed for strong winds. This one is near the South Miami Hospital, in full bloom ... I wonder why the city does not replant these beautiful trees?

Golden Shower Tree


  1. Driving to the dump at Chapman today to get rid of an old TV, we passed several of those beautiful tree in Pinecrest. I remarked to my husband how pretty they are, and...that I want one!

  2. Lan there is a street that is lined with Cassia fistula. I think it's 16th street East of Douglas, going to the back of Woodlawn.
    I took a picture of two on Granada this morning and planned to use them for the next two days. I will post them next week and stay with the poincianas.
