Friday, October 24, 2008

In the Blue Corner

Yesterday, you had a glimpse of the American political "Red" team. Here is its counterpart, the "Blue" team. This sign is on the lawn of a house not far from the one blogged yesterday. I hope that this competition does not turn ugly like the legendary battle between the "McCoy" and "Hatfield" families in the old wild West days. Come to think, it did turn ugly and the news showed people driving around Miami in SUV to rip the adversarial signs up and take them away.

The Blue Team

1 comment:

  1. Well, Florida has of course had the biggest conflict of all.....when "hanging chads" became words we knew in far away places!

    It’s Sculpture By The Sea time in Sydney, and I’m taking my visitors on the coastal walk. Today we’re in Wonderland. Sydney Daily Photo
