Saturday, November 1, 2008


I am converted many years ago to favor e-Books. The good side is that I can get thousands of e-Books free from the Guttenberg project on the internet. These are books that are in the public domain and there is no copyright to worry about. I convert these books to read them in my cell phone, a Nokia E62. Once in a while, friends would loan me their favorite books. That is when I grumpily carry around these heavy books with real paper pages inside them to read. So, what's the bad side? I do have to buy contemporary e-Books that are protected and I have yet to be able to convert them to my cell phone format. I can do it, but get the correct permission for transporting these paid e-books away from my lap top is a pain you know where. My books are GREEN (and mostly free.) There are hundreds of them in my cell phone, and they are all bookmarkable. I love it!

My e-Books

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