Sunday, November 30, 2008

Please Help

Miami's SR-878 (Snapper Creek Exwy.,) when it merges with US-1 is a popular but dangerous place for panhandling which is a controversial issue in some sense. Some say it should be discouraged: do not give... but I always give, even if it is my last dollar in my wallet. A Japanese proverb says "It is a beggar's pride that he is not a thief." I found a "how to" panhandle site here. This man holds a sign that says "Veteran... Please Help...God Bless You..." Before continuing his round, he had a brief interchange through the window of the police car on his right. I guess the police officer did not give him a hard time. This is after all the beginning of the US holiday season. He may or may not be a veteran, but it cannot be pleasant to stay here to get some change from strangers if there is a better alternative.


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