Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Skybanner Ad

This is what I saw at the Miami's Dadeland Mall today (yes, I am still suffering through this:) A Simon's SkyBanner Network high-tech ad. I must admit that this got my full attention because it is a nice high-tech toy that grabs at you. It looks like a 42 or 52 inch flat screen hung high above at the center of the most heavily used traffic lane in this shopping mall. The photo of Donald Trump and his ad is seen on both sides. If you do not know who he is, look him up. He is very famous for his toupee. Obviously, Donald Trump is into high-tech and he found this way to get his ad directly to the Simon Mall Consumers. I found that Simon Property Group, Inc. is an S&P 500 company and the largest public U.S. real estate company. That is obviously the connection to Donald Trump because he is in real estate in a big way. This ad is very nice, and I like this high-tech delivery.

However, would you buy your dress shirts and neckwear from this guy? Not me! You are fired!

The Trump Ad


  1. Why would you not buy dress shirts and neckwear from Donald Trump? You have to dress to impress! You're fired!


  2. Look at the face of the salesman! He has plenty of BEAUTIFUL women surrounding him. Put one of them on the billboard, then I may buy a tie. LOL

  3. I beg your forgiveness for my cutting and pasting – yet constantly reworking – this comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise.

    You cannot know the pain it causes me to admit that I am a mere mortal (and that the magical elves on my staff have little respect for my authority or their salary packages. Consequently, the reindeer are all filthy and out of shape and the elves that have shown up for work all seem a little worse for wear, if you catch my drift. All they seem to do is sit around smoking, playing cards and telling dirty jokes!

    Anyway, myself, Henry and Ezra, would dearly like to wish you a Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice/Hanukkah/Festivus and a happy New Year!

    We hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, your Yule logs firm and that Santa treats you kindly this year!

  4. Well, I got to return here to correct a major blunder on my part. This banner is NO high-tech! It's a vulgar mock up and is but a cheap imitation frame! That explains the wrinkle you see in the middle of the bottom edge! Fi fa fo fum! And I thought it was a flat screen TV. How embarrassing!
