Friday, January 16, 2009

Batting Cage

Baseball is a serious sport in the US. I never understood this game and never will. It's just too complicated for me although friends have tried hard to educate me over the years. I like rugby better. This is a baseball batting cage. All I know is players train in here hit a hard ball with a hard stick. I guess the guy hitting the ball tries hard to hit the guy throwing the ball, so they do not have real humans but an automatic "pitching" device to throw the ball for training purpose. Of course, I am kidding... in the real game, there is no pitching device, and there is a real guy throwing the real hard ball. The guy throwing the ball must be tired of living... You won't catch me playing or watching this game. Another sport I do not understand is golf. I'll blog that one of these days.

Baseball Cage

1 comment:

  1. Unless you grow up playing it, you'll never understand it.
