Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cold Blue Sky and White Clouds

It was COLD the last two days, but today has vastly improved. Hopefully the quick and potent but short cold spell did not damage our fruit groves, and more importantly, the fruit trees in bloom in our backyards. Whenever it's cold here, the sky always is gorgeous like it is today. The cloud pattern is suggestive of our mighty hurricanes, but it's a long way until June. Tog may be able to tell where this photo is taken if he looks at the street lamp. You can see the effect of two nights of very cold temperature (in the low 40's degree Fahrenheit, and that's COLD for us) from the look of the palm tree on the left and the large tree on the right. Not very happy campers, I'd say!

Blue and Cold


  1. Our sky is more or less like this today. The street light looks like ones in our part of town. But the Ficus benjamina is too healthy for Coral Gables. The new white fly has made most of the bengamina look sickly. Sooo ware were you.

  2. Sad to say, Coral Gables... Can't you tell by the street lamp??? Only CG can afford such EXPENSIVE ornaments.

  3. We bought them in the 20's when they we cheap. No problem living in Coral Gables.
