Monday, January 5, 2009


C. Percivaliana "Summit" FCC-AOS is a Cattleya orchid species. It exists in several variants and this is an award winning one named "Summit." This plant came from tog's yard. There are other variants such as Jewell, Primanera, Graue... There is one of the alba form as well, the Alba Grandiflora. But this one won the highest award given an orchid: FCC-AOS means First Class Certificate from the American Orchid Society. Next in line are AM (Award of Merit) and HCC (Highly Commended Certificate.) That is similar to grades given in school: A, B and C. There is no "F" grade for orchid that I know of. This plant is on its "automatic" mode in my yard for years with absolutely no attention whatsoever paid to it, except a watering once in a blue moon, like today, but it blooms like this every year without fail.


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