Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ton Ho Chai

Once in a while, I venture to the deep Miami South to this fruit and vegetable packer just for a spy. Today's trip was well worth the long drive as I learned something rather new for me: Ton Ho Chai! Fancy that! I had no idea what that is, but it looks edible, but not for me! Ton Ho Chai is a Chinese leaf vegetable, the taste of which is slightly bitter. It is supposedly good stir fried. So, if you are interested, get yourself a fancy-named dish with instructions from here:

Minced Pork Ton Ho Chai (Lab Mu Pad Puk Ho Chai)

Pork minced stir fried (Lab mu) with Ton Ho Chai, If you can't get hold of Ton Ho Chai, come to Miami; or use Pak Choi, or Chinese cabbage. Please do not ask me what Pak Choi is because I do not know at this time.


100 gms Ton Ho Chai
100 gms Pork Mince
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Flaked Chillies
1 Tablespoon Fish Sauce (now, this is not really Chinese or Thai... interesting...)
1 Tablespoon Toasted Rice Pounded
1 Tablespoon Oil
1 Teaspoon Sugar


1. This recipe couldn't be simpler, clean and chop the leaves.
2. Heat oil in a pan, fry the pork mince until it's part cooked.
3. Add lemon juice, flaked chillies, fish sauce, toasted rice and sugar and continue frying until the pork is cooked through.
4. Add the leaves and fry for 30 seconds just to warm them through.

Don't let the look of this dish fool you. This contains lots of salt and carbohydrate!!!

Say What

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