Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Twisting and Turning

Here is my faithful Angraecum superbum. Unless I move this plant, it always blooms in January - February with fragrant blooms to last several months. This plant does not need any care, but it does not want to be disturbed. Twice I had to move it, and each time it refused to bloom for several years, just to express its displeasure. I am always fascinated to watch each flower taking turn to twist and turn so that the long spur is oriented vertically before they open one by one. At the tip of each spur is the fragrant nectar made for the "Predicta" moth that is equipped with a long prosbiscus destined to pollinate this orchid. I do not think these moths live here in Miami, so these flowers have been waiting all these years, in vain. They are so patient, but I doubt they will ever be visited by this moth. This orchid is over forty year old.

Angraecum superbum

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