Tuesday, January 20, 2009

USA's historical day

Technically, this is NOT a Miami Every Day Photo, because the event happens in Washington, D.C. Justifiably, it can be used because the photo is taken right here in Miami. This is the TV screen showing the live telecast of the inauguration of Barack Obama, the 44th US President. It is a day long event today. This is a very big historical event because Obama is the first ever elected black president of the US. After the oath administering ceremony and lunch at the US Capitol, the new US president and his wife, Michelle Obama, the new US First Lady travelled the 1.7 mile to their new home, the White House. Traditionally, the new President takes a walk outside his protective limo to let the crowd see him up close. The Secret Service truly hates this moment as it represents a grave danger to the new President. This is about 4:30PM Miami time when they stepped out to be exposed. His limo is seen not far away at the top of the photo. The new presidential limo is essentially a rolling tank with windows: Secret Service agents dubbed it "the Beast." At the bottom is the Google map of their route. They are on Pennsylvania Avenue, about half way to the White House. The three BIG guys nearby who look like characters from the movie Matrix are obviously protective agents. You don't want to mess with them!

A New Era


  1. You did as I did; as long as I couldn't be there, I took advantage of CNN. Good shot!

  2. Hi Lan,
    I also watched it on CNN and I took the same picture but with my phone,so it didn't come out as clear.Yours is great.
    Take care.
