Friday, February 20, 2009

Ochna mysterii

I have this Ochna for many years. This is the one I love the most. This plant is very small and is extremely slow growing. Its beautiful but ephemeral flowers are smaller than the other Ochna species, of sizes only between half to 7/8th of an inch. The most unique feature of this species is that the flowers are pendant facing downward, similar in habit to that of the deliciously strongly fragrant Wrightia religiosa which have even smaller and more delicate white flowers. I really want to know this plant's real name. Meanwhile, I call it my Ochna mysterii. Nobody knows yet the answer to the mystery I face... Such a big world, so many names and only one fits!


  1. I just bought an Ochna Serrulata, Mickey Mouse bush and I believe it to be the same as yours. I belong to the Tropical Flowering Tree Socity in Miami. They are very helpful and can be Googled.

  2. I am not sure this is a serrulata. It may be a dwarf species of Ochna. I have many serrulata (or kirkii) and integerrima. None of the Ochna I know flowers facing down and as small as this one.
