Wednesday, April 29, 2009

All Heart K-9

People with disabilities might have trouble reaching a light switch, picking up a dropped pencil or keys or opening a door. Imagine having a dog that could do all of that and much more. Service Dogs, Skilled Companion Dogs and Hearing Dogs are trained to work with adults or children with disability. These wonderful dogs are bred to be calm, reliable and affectionate, and reduces the reliance on other people to complete simple daily tasks; and serve as a social bridge to people who are not used to relating with a person with disabilities.

Service Dog can pull their partner in a manual wheelchair, push buttons for elevators or automatic doors, and even assist with business transactions by transferring money, receipts, and packages. Service Dog not only assists with physical tasks, but also provides social support.

Guide or Seeing Eye dogs are trained to provide help and companionship to persons with vision impairment. They can read traffic lights to help their companions to cross streets safely and avoid obstacles.

Hearing Dogs are specially bred Labrador and Golden Retrievers who alert partners to key sounds by making physical contact such as nudging the leg or arm. Among the many sounds Hearing Dogs are trained to recognize and respond to are the sound of a doorbell, alarm clock, someone calling a name or a smoke alarm.

Here is one such special dog. How adorable, All Heart and Ready to Serve!


  1. Love this post. It is filled with good information. And the picture of the dog is excellent too.

  2. Looks just like our beloved Haley! Great post. Goldens are truly golden!
