Friday, April 10, 2009

Lunch Time

A great Thank God it's Friday in the Grove, at lunch time. This is a Good Friday too. Obviously, it's not Friday the Thirteenth so it must be good. For some of us who may not know, myself included, this Christian religious week begins on Palm Sunday of last week, and ends on this Sunday, April 12, which is Easter Sunday. Between these two Sundays, yesterday was the Holy Thursday, and Good Friday is today.

I do not particularly like Fridays because they bring back bad memories of my student days' Friday lunch in Paris' "restau U" when we only had the choice of either stinking fish or a whole large animal brain (yes, both hemispheres) for lunch. Eat it or go hungry the whole day.

1 comment:

  1. I can see why you are haunted by Friday. I would be, too.
