Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oncidium sphacelatum

Yellow is my favorite color. I even had a yellow car. My Dancing Lady orchid (Oncidium sphacelatum) is in bloom right now, and their beautiful little skirts are yellow. You may be interested to know that the way these ladies dance in the breeze, they appear just like a swarm of bees. Of course, no gentlemen bees would miss the occasion and they won't miss diving in to attempt to mate. April's fool! That's one way the Oncidium species gets pollinated.


  1. Mine hasn't bloomed in over a year. Should I let some bees into the house? I guess I should have done that when they were in bloom? I do have 4 moth orchids ready to rebloom. So excited!! Very pretty.

  2. Oncidium species need a lot of sun to bloom. Fertilizer also helps, but not really necessary.
