Saturday, August 15, 2009


I hate the smell of cigars and rather die than to hang around its odor. But some men AND women swear by these vice. In Miami, so close to Cuba, the cigar tradition is thick, so you can find cigar stores here quite easily. Here is one in the heart of South Miami downtown, the Vilar Cigar shop. Doing this, I learned that cigar smoking is a culture in itself, and in order to appear Cary Grant-like, you must know how to cut a cigar, light it and finally, smoke it. Yuk!

The length and diameter of the cigar is related to the intensity of the cigar. Ah so! Do you want your cigar long and thin? Or do you prefer it small and stubby? Choice of a brand is also abundant: Churchill, Corona, Pyramid, Robusto, Torpedo, Panatelas, Culebras, Diademas, Perfecto etc...

Not for me!


  1. This is an attractive cigar with a nicely applied wrapper. This stick began to burn unevenly but evened out with another lighting. It then burned evenly the rest of the way. The flavor was light, but consistent throughout and seemed to get more potent in the final third of the cigar. All and all a nice smoke with a great draw throughout.I buy my cigars from online Cigar Shop.

  2. We're in agreement - I don't like cigar smells either.
