Saturday, October 24, 2009


The Village of Merrick Park has over 100 retail stores, many of them upscale brands; several dining locations, and three anchor stores: Neiman Marcus and Miami's first Nordstrom, along with Equinox Fitness Club and Spa. This view is from the end of Ponce de Leon Boulevard. Technically, this is in Coral Gables and I rarely, if ever venture into this place because it's too upscale for me. May be I'll take some "upscale" photos some day. The now quite ubiquitous "circle" you see in the traffic sign is designed and built into the roads of Miami to force motorists to slow down. I like that idea a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I usually like to walk around upscale malls, but only to look — never to buy.

    I like the slowing down motorists idea a lot too! I hope you'll explain how that works one day.
