Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Freezing Outside!

Technically, Miami is not freezing outside, it's in the high fifties, but it feels like it's freezing for me. It's just too cold so I am not setting foot outside at least today. They say with the wind chill, it feels like in the forties! Forties? It's for the eskimos. I am staying indoor and thus need to have something to show you. I got a new Shadok (the orange tall fellow on the right side of the screen on top.) Did you see my "NOTICE?" that's what I also got for Xmas. I am spoiled rotten!

I need to get new rechargeable batteries for my camera. Every time I take a picture nowadays, the current batteries give up the ghost, which explains why my blog is sputtering. Is this my new year resolution to get new batteries? What do you think?

Too Cold For Me

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