Monday, August 9, 2010

You're Tented

It's lovely, fine and dandy to live in sub-tropical Miami... until you face THIS! Termites! This house is being tented and by the look of the advertising banner... this is not one of the mainstream termite companies. The event is always traumatic... you rent a motel or invade your relatives... you clean out your house of foodstuff... you move all living things out of your house such as cats, dogs, pets, fish etc... Then the house is tented and fumigated with POISON! Thankfully the event only last a day. Afterward, you have to reverse all the actions and move back in. If you think that you will see millions of dead termites in your living room, you are wrong. There is nothing to see. At least I've done this and I have seen nothing. If I were the termite-in-chief, the minute I detect the gas with my special embedded gears, I'll order evacuation of my entire colony for a couple of days to the neighbors via my special tunnels and return when it's all done. The human won't have a clue! May be that's what happens. Who knows!


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! It's been years since I lived in South Florida and I'd forgotten all about tenting. Good photo!
