Sunday, September 26, 2010


There is a new phonomenon in Miami... "Toll-by-plate." Many toll roads now have no more need for human beings to collect toll at special gated stations. It's all done electronically via what we call "SunPass." You buy a sticker for your car's windshield, let it automatically empty your bank account when it thinks it needs money to spend... and you are free to speed through the electronic eyes high up that watch your every move and debit your account magically. You can't pay anymore with the cash you have jingling in your pocket. If heaven forbid you don't have a sticker or your bank account is dry, you will be billed by "plate." Their cameras, in tight cooperation with the automatic money grabber that did not sense your sticker will take a snap of your license plate and send you the bill fattened with surcharges for processing. There you go... You can't win in this game of life, take it or leave it.


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