Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vote For Me

It's open season again in the US, and Miami is seeing its share of political madness. In the US, two years after the general election of a President is the time for mid-term election of legislators and other die hard politicians such as governors, representatives/congress persons and senators. If you listen to the avalanches of political infighting, you'd conclude they are all really, really, really bad, even if only about half of what everyone says is true. But that does not matter... all the strange names that the majority of voters have never heard of come out from nowhere and all clamor for "vote for me... he/she's really, really, really bad." Here are some names for you to see... Me? I like better the poster promoting the seasonal Halloween season Oct 7 - Oct 31. I take solace in that this will mercifully end after November 02, the day of judgment.


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