Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Kid's Alive!

Once in a while, you've got to do what you've got to do... I was forced to take a detour through a few swamps filled with alligators... so that took my inspiration away from this blog... momentarily... I'll be back without missing a beat... because all the missing photos are somewhere in some of my computers/cameras...

Got to fix a couple of minor computer rebellions (that's nothing, just a flesh wound) ... and fight off the alligators. If you think that the guy in this photo is in trouble... Think again.

I'm feeling like Louis Armstrong these days...

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Nobody knows but Jesus
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Glory Hallelujah

Come back to see me... I'll be back! The good news is... I'm not in the slammer!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back! I hope that at least someone knows the troubles you have seen and that you are not alone!
    All the best, take your time....
