Friday, May 20, 2011

Pricey Valet

This is trendy Sunset Drive in South Miami. There is a large number of trendy restaurants in this area, and parking is hard to find (for tourists, that is.) So the price to have your car "valet parked" is inching up. It was recently US $5.00. Now it is $7.00. I saw a sign saying $8.00 already. Just a half block from here, you can quite easily park yourself for much less. Not for me!


  1. Trendy places are getting more expensive all over Florida.

    Did that cop see you taking his picture? :-)

  2. I was petrified while taking that photo. If he looked in his rear view mirror, I probably would be in the slammer at this time. I took my chance, and lady luck was with me.
