Thursday, August 25, 2011

Irene's Skirt

At 2pm, Irene was 200 miles out in the Atlantic ocean about at the latitude of Boca Raton, north of Miami and we got to feel her outer skirt's rain band. The driving was "wet" here at the intersection of Bird Road and SW 67th Avenue. You can see the Papa's John pizzeria on the right. Irene spared us, but she is heading to the Carolinas and North Carolina is getting a hurricane warning. Fayetteville of North Carolina, I know you come visit this blog once in a while... I hope you will stay dry and warm inside when Irene will come knocking on your shore line in about 36 hours. Meanwhile, our usual blue sky will return tomorrow, hopefully.
Irene's Skirt


  1. Hi Lan,

    I got a good picture of some graffiti about Miami.

    It goes with the book I just published.

    It's at

    The book is funny and poignant. Hope you can get the word out.

  2. Hi, because I do not know the contents of your book, I am sorry to say I can't have any comments. In principle, I remove notes left on my blog that promote commercial products... I am leaving yours here as a courtesy. Good luck with your book.
