Sunday, August 14, 2011


Sunday morning... I saw something out of the ordinary in my yard and took a close look. The four strange looking white things, instead of UFOs as I originally thought, turn out to be wild mushrooms that came out of the ground because they were excited by the continual rain of days past. They look gorgeous and quite appealing to me already because this is just what I need for my omelette. A godsend! But... Aren't mushrooms just fruits of fungi, and their one purpose in life is to disperse spores for survival? It may not be such a good idea to get some fungi in my system and I'll pass!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Terence McKenna believed psychedelic mushrooms "arrived on this planet as spores that migrated through outer space, and are attempting to establish a symbiotic relationship with human beings."

    Food (or spores) for thought.
    A very far out hypothesis. Hard to believe. Who knows?

  3. I am no mushroom expert, but the ones you photographed may be poisonous. Spores in your system could be the least of your worries!

  4. They came back this morning, a bunch of them. Early am, they are curled up like upside down cupcakes, then very quickly they flatten and look like the dishes in this photo and large as small pancakes. Of course I was kidding, I was not going to eat them.

  5. I knew that. LOL! As you say Lan, "Sometimes, I am joking, other times, I may be serious."
    Same with me. You know your plants. And fungi. Your sense of humor is one of the reasons I like your blog.
    Seriously, an expert in Mushroom identification 8 0r 9 years ago showed me how to find edible Mushrooms in North Carolina. Considering the price of failure, I never have tried to use what I learned for wildcrafting Mushrooms, either in NC or here in Florida. I rather leave it for the experts.
