Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'm in a BAD mood!
Well, actually, I should not be in a bad mood. You play with fire and you get burned. You see, I was testing a new theory that was true in my dream last night: that the city meter maids are very nice persons and they do not work hard on Sundays. Wrong on both counts! I was invited to a Miami Hurricanes woman basket ball game today on the University of Miami campus and I was here, parked my car and looked for my party. I should have put in this meter a ton of money but less than US $18! But NO... with the thought that my dream was real and there is no need to bother with such details, I did no such thing. Now look what I got, a ticket! I got until October 18 to pay the $18 fine for "illegally" parked. Else the price goes to $45 after that date. OK, not sure if I can rob my piggy bank to pay for this. I am sure I can get all my pennies to make $18 but not sure how they would react to that. I think that's a bad idea. I'll consult my dream tonight on what to do. Aaarrrggghhh !@#$%^&*(!

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