Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rainbow Seeds

After showing you a mature Rainbow Eucalyptus, I was lucky to find a juvenile plant that is growing "slowly" in a small pot. Not wanting to take any chance, I went looking for a "plan B" in case the only plant I have does not survive all the hazards that a young plant has to experience growing up in Miami. Here is what I found... Rainbow seeds. What you see on first glance are seed pods. You can only see the real seeds if you have eyes like that of Super Man! There are thousands of seeds in this plastic bag, but they are all but invisible! If I took this photo using a microscope, you probably can see them well, but not here. Use your imagination... the seeds are tiny specs that you may be able to see in this shot. According to the people who do research on this species "E. deglupta is one of the most difficult eucalyptus species from which to collect seed. The seeds are tiny, measuring approximately 2mm x 1mm. There are an estimated two million seeds per kilo, or 2000 seeds/g. Harvested seed of E. deglupta is inseparable from the chaff."

Commercially, Eucalyptus deglupta seeds are sold in 0.5g quantities, only about less than half is seeds, roughly thus about 300-400 seeds per packet, not all viable. It is expected that only about a third will germinate properly and many will not survive the younger stage. To give birth to Rainbow Eucalyptus, you sow thousands of seeds, and not one or two! So, wish me luck with these seeds.
Tiny Seeds

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