Saturday, September 3, 2011

TR 3

Here is a second sighting of this classic import from the UK. It was seen before in this neighborhood. This time, the top is up. Do you know why? That is because it rains everyday in Miami. Sometimes two or three or four times a day. Wet, wet, wet. This car is a true sport car and it is not designed for comfort. I can imagine I would be miserable driving it around in Miami's downpour with water leaking from around me, especially around the windshield. I know, I've driven this car in Europe. And the noise from the engine! The noise... but it's all fun driving nonetheless. I wish I were the owner, but alas, I am not. This car can fetch up to US $15,000 + because it's a collectible item and quite well sought after.
Classic from the UK

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