Saturday, October 15, 2011

Not In Miami

I have a few photos taken in Miami today, all of which are quite uninspiring so, let's leave Miami for a day and let me show you a photo taken a bit more northerly, at a hockey game tonight between the Florida Panther and the Tampa Bay Lightning. This ice hockey stadium is in Sunrise, about 30 miles North of Miami International Airport. I did not mean to imply that this photo is inspiring, but we had some fun watching this game, primarily because we didn't have to pay for these tickets, which must cost a fortune because they came with free food and free drink with even a private bathroom. As a huge bonus, the Panther won the game after a tie that forced a shoot out, so it was all and all a fun night. I do have a complaint though: this is a tough game to watch because I had a real hard time to know where the darn puck was all night. Look at the referee, I think he was looking for it himself. Where's the puck? Where's the puck?
Hockey Game

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