Saturday, January 21, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Life has many annoyances, one of which is you've got to eat. I understand there are gurus who only need to eat once in a long, long while. But I am not one of them and everyday I have to worry about what's next. Today, my guts told me they need not a hamburger, not a steak, not spaghetti, no fettuccine... but something different. You guessed it, and here I am at my trusted local Publix supermarket. In Miami, it is not a straight forward thing to find fresh fish. Cheap fresh fish? You can forget that silly notion. But the fish they have here, when they have them, are not bad so fish soup it is that I will cook up today. I have to rely on the man behind the counter there to prepare the fish for me. It is not a task that I want to do myself, simply because I don't know how to scale a fish and this man knows it so he is happy to help me. Today, yellowtail is US $7.99 a pound and red snapper is $9.99 a pound. Yellowtails are the smaller creatures on the left side... not the long fellows with the dots, they are mackerels...; and the red snappers are red ones to the right. Would you believe I know the secret to make 5 star fish soup? A tomato or two, some fresh onions... a top secret mixture of herbs and spice et voila, the best fish soup in Miami in person. Drop me a line and I may invite you... depends on who you are, of course.

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