Tuesday, February 14, 2012

High Noon

On this special day of love and kisses, there is a fierce battle going on in the streets of South Miami. You can see it right here at high noon. Mud has been flying in the political battle scenes of the city of South Miami for a while and today is the day of reckoning: the citizens of South Miami are going to the poll to vote and elect a mayor and two city commissioners.

The odd is fifty-fifty for the mayoral job (two opposing candidates) and five candidates hustling for the two available seats: that's high level political drama at work. I don't know why, but all elections in the US take place on Tuesdays. Why Tuesdays? Why not on weekends? And today of all days when people I am sure would prefer to share heart-shaped chocolate with a lover than to go cast a ballot.

Looking at this, you may be able to have a feel for the effort to get elected in the US. This is a tiny local race but all these signs and posters and the people to carry them outside the voting place are a must have to have a chance to win . Very colorful, don't you think? Wait until Tuesday (yes, it's Tuesday) November 6th of this year. It's the BIG one: the US president job is at stake then.
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