Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oncidium sphacelatum

In Miami, orchids grow easily, but this species of Oncidium is the easiest to grow. It grows on anything and blooms every year without any requirements whatsoever. All you need is to have a few bulbs to start. They don't even need to have any roots on them. Throw them anywhere that has sun shine, and that's it. Come back in a year or two and you have something like in this photo. This is tog's O. sphacelatum under his tall palm tree. If you look closely, you can see the beautiful flowers of a vine coming down from above. Not to be left out, let me remind you that I showed you my own O. sphacelatum on March 14th, 2007. I think mine is better and that you will agree to that assertion. Oncidium

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