Monday, January 21, 2013


I feel bad not to honor the name of this blog "Miami Every Day..." It has become increasingly more difficult for me to daily update this semi-private corner of my life. Reluctantly, I must say farewell... at least for the time being... to this self imposed daily obligation.

As a tribute to my long time passionate search for a sentimental tree, the Alstonia scholaris, here is one that I found in Miami, a beautiful specimen in plain sight that I only can "see" after many years of learning how to recognize it.

Here it is, on Sunset Drive near 64th street.

Farewell... and thank you for reading.
Freedom Tower


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful/interesting content ,
    during all this time, I sincerely hope you will come back with new posts.
    Good luck.

  2. I too want to thank you. Your posts have been informative, fun and sometimes introspective.

    I look forward to your return as "Miami Every Day Photo" or even as "Miami This Week Photo"


  3. You have done a wonderful job for years and I've so enjoyed seeing my hometown pictures. Thank you very much! (And, I agree, a weekly photo would also be welcome!)

  4. Thanks and I look forward to your weekly posts.
