Sunday, March 17, 2013

Say A Prayer

Six years ago, I was at the Church of the Little Flower, a beautiful Roman Catholic Church in Coral Gables. Here I am again, but this time, I am inside its very ornate interior, the church's altar where scuptured marble with inlaid is to be seen throughout the spacious spaces where religious rites are performned. Tonight, a special mass is conducted for my friend Edgard. Many friends who could not come to his funeral service because of time constraints came to pay their last respects. Another sad reminder of the ephemeric nature of life.


  1. Nice picture about Miami.Thank you for sharing some of your experience and wisdom. It is very nice to see your neigborhood.

    See me in my blog

  2. Awesome picture. That's my favorite place to visit in Miami. See my photos from Miami here - Moving Tips moving to Miami
